I thought it was time to share some page designs and ideas. The layouts have been in a constant state of flux, as ideas and font choices have morphed almost continuously in the last few months. My main challenge has been to incorporate the artwork into a pleasing sense of place and to try and not divert from it. I am obsessed it seems with giving the entire thing a very organic feel as far as the sense of design. I'm using actual old paper, stained and fragile; torn and beat up book covers gathered at garage sales and the like, almost as if the book itself was found years later. What I'm reaching for is where you can almost smell that old musty paper. It's also important to me that it hopefully still maintains a somewhat modern edge and the whole thing doesn't wallow too much in a nostalgic feel. These are a few of the results of that approach as things have developed. Some have the text blocked in, and some don't as of yet...
thanks michael (whomever you may be..) round two of submissions are going out the door in january with a focus on graphic novel publishers since the material is so visually oriented. the new york agents were a good way to get my feet wet and gave me some perspective as to who could possibly handle this kind of project. I truly believe there is an interest for this out there and its a question at this point of who the right publisher may be.
these are really terrific (came across you on clusterflock), your page layouts are absolutely stunning, i hope you've got somewhere with the graphic novel publishers, i'd love a book like this
these are great
any progress on publishing the book?
thanks michael (whomever you may be..) round two of submissions are going out the door in january with a focus on graphic novel publishers since the material is so visually oriented. the new york agents were a good way to get my feet wet and gave me some perspective as to who could possibly handle this kind of project. I truly believe there is an interest for this out there and its a question at this point of who the right publisher may be.
i'm nobody... just stumbled upon your web site when googling albert tannenbaum, etc. etc.
these are really terrific (came across you on clusterflock), your page layouts are absolutely stunning, i hope you've got somewhere with the graphic novel publishers, i'd love a book like this
Hey there. your work is great ! my question is do you have more pictures of Weiss ?
I hope you will read this.
Thanks, I do have few more in myreference files...
I would really like to see the pics. If you got the time, my mail is tobias.lippmeier@gmx.de
Thanks !
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