It feels like a long time since I've updated the blog, and indeed it has. Things have been busy for me outside of the work on the book, which still continues and still is a labor of love, but one needs to pay the bills as well.....
To keep you updated on the development of the book as a good blog should, around mid-summer, the first round of proposal packages went out to some publishers and literary agents. Not surprisingly, the first round of rejection letters have slowly trickled back in. One needs a tough exterior and strong will and belief in the project to forge ahead despite possible setbacks. A second round of proposals is heading out the door shortly. I must however thank the Ethan Ellenburg Agency and Michelle Andelman at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency for personalizing their responses and showing enthusiasm for the project. It was nicely re-affirming. I thought it would be fun to share some of the letters. I will also do my best to keep regular updates posted.Onwards and upwards......
perserverance! Its wonderful work!
and now I know who to send Muggsy over to rub
out for delaying the book I wanta see
Don't necessarily need this message made public on your site but on a professional note: Thanks for checking out my Big Tim website and your link to it. I also appreciate your comments. That's how quality work gets done--through peer review.
Found the pictures on www.rainfall.com which specializes in vintage New York City photos. Play around with the keywords.
I will definitely double check your concern regarding the Paul Kelly photo. I think Asbury may have a picture in his Gangs of New York book. I can also check the press to see if they had any photos.
Did you consider self or Internet publication? inexpensive and wider audience. Or, charge a small fee for access to your finished work.
Anyway, appreciate your comments and look forward to your work as well.
Can I put your link on my site. You have great stuff and want it merits being read.
Hi Bob
Thanks for your feedback and comments. Self-publishing is an option but I'm still going to try and give it a go with other publishers first off and see whre that may lead.
Yes - no problem on linking my site on yours - that would be great.I'l leave a message on your site as well concerning that.
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